Parent Appreciation

Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With Relaxing Activities to Help You and Your Child Unwind
Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With Relaxing Activities to Help You and Your Child Unwind 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Parents are true superheroes; they are also some of the most incredible people in the world. However, even “superheroes” need a break, especially when tasked with handling so many day-to-day demands. From taking care of your children, going to work, and balancing everything else in between, it can be overwhelming at times. The PTN team is here to help take some of this stress off your shoulders by sharing some relaxing activities that allow you and your child to unwind during Parent Appreciation Day (July 28th) and beyond. We hope that you enjoy partaking in these peaceful activities with your little ones!

Have Spa Time
This does not have to be complicated and can be an easy way to relax any time of day. You can really have fun with this idea (and get some time to unwind, too). For example, run a bath and add some essential oils or bath salts. Lavender is a scent that is known to be particularly calming. Then, sit with your little one and soak your feet together. You can use this time to relax and also as a time to “catch up” with your child.  

Make Popsicle Stick Pictures
Creating silly art pieces with your little ones is a fun and relaxing way to show off your creativity. One craft we think you’ll love is creating popsicle stick pictures! Gather some popsicle sticks, glue, paper, and markers, and find a cozy and quiet place to sit. Now, work with your child to create the perfect popsicle stick picture. Then, once your artwork is complete, hang it on the fridge for everyone to see, or frame it and hang it on the wall.

Have a Tea Party
Children love having make believe tea parties with their stuffed animal friends. So, why not take part in a real tea party together? Tea parties are very calming, and have numerous benefits, such as allowing your child to use their imagination. To begin, grab some cups and plates, and have your child set up your tea party. Ask your child to “invite” their favorite stuffed animal friends, then, come together to make some healthy snacks and drinks, and serve them at your tea party.

Go Stargazing
One final activity to help you unwind is stargazing. Wait for a night with mild weather, grab your favorite blankets and a few pillows, and head outside. Once you set up your cozy spot, lay with your child and stare at the beautiful stars in the night sky. Stargazing is very peaceful, and is great for sparking your child’s curiosity and wonder. As a bonus, print out a star constellation map, and work with your kiddos to try and identify as many constellations as possible.

Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) throughout July as we continue to celebrate our incredible PTN parents with activities, tips, resources, and more! Additionally, please don’t hesitate to contact us to talk about if your child could benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your family in any way that we can.

Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With Relaxing Activities That Work on Your Child’s Skills
Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With Relaxing Activities That Work on Your Child’s Skills 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Although we are always so appreciative of our PTN parents, we love getting the opportunity to show our gratitude for each of you on Parent Appreciation Day. This year, Parent Appreciation Day is on July 23rd, and to celebrate, we wanted to share some activities that you can partake in with your children that also allow you to relax and unwind. From trying family yoga to gardening together and more – here are some relaxing activities that also work on your child’s skills. Enjoy!

Family Yoga

An excellent way to relax and get moving is to partake in family yoga. Yoga is a great way to exercise while relaxing your mind, body, and soul. Not to mention, yoga is perfect for working on your child’s gross motor skills and balance. If you have done yoga in the past, fantastic! Use your knowledge to guide your child through some simple yoga poses. But if you’ve never done yoga, this family yoga video is easy for your whole family to follow.

Play a Board Game

Another easy way to relax while working on your child’s skills is to play a board game together. Board games are a great way to spend quality time with one another, and believe it or not, many board games are great for working on your child’s skills. Although there are many board games to choose from, one we highly recommend is Candy Land. Candy Land helps your child work on color recognition and counting, and also allows them to work on their fine motor skills when rolling the dice and while moving their game piece around the board. 

Garden Together

One final activity to do with your little ones is to get outside and garden together! Gardening is very calming and a great way to bond with your kiddos. First, get a pot, fill it with some dirt, and dig a hole in the dirt. Now, have your child use their fine motor skills to grasp the seeds and place them into the hole, and then ask them to use their gross motor skills to pick up the watering can and water the seeds. Now, you and your little one can watch the plant grow and appreciate your hard work!

We wish you all a very happy Parent Appreciation Day! Be sure to follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all July long as we continue to celebrate our amazing PTN parents and share some fun activities, tips, and more! Also, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your child in any way we can.

Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With 10 Reasons Why Parents Are So Important
Celebrating Parent Appreciation Day With 10 Reasons Why Parents Are So Important 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Parent Appreciation Day is right around the corner (July 24th), but we don’t want to wait another minute to start celebrating our amazing PTN parents! All the parents we work with are so special, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with each of your families. You make our jobs so much easier, and the way that you support your children is so inspiring.

This year to celebrate this amazing day, we wanted to share why parents are so important (especially parents of children with special needs). Though we can think of hundreds of reasons, we wanted to keep it short and sweet and share our top 10.

Parents are…

  1. Caring: Our PTN parents have such kind hearts and are incredibly caring. We see how much you deeply care about your little ones and want them to be the best they can be. Your sincerity and kindness are something that your children will never forget.
  1. Supportive: You show up daily for your children and support their development journey. You are constantly helping them improve their skills and are their emotional support system. Our team also appreciates the support you give us during each therapy session. We couldn’t do it without you!
  1. Loving: The love a parent has for their children is unmatched. We can tell how much you love and care for your little ones, and your love is something that your children will cherish for the rest of their lives.
  1. Fun: So many of our PTN parents enjoy getting involved in their child’s therapy sessions, which is something so special. You get to have fun with your little one while also helping them learn and grow in the process. The best part is that you can continue the fun with your children while working on their therapy at home.
  1. Helpful: All of our PTN parents are extremely helpful. You’re constantly helping your little ones with their needs and helping to develop their skills with at-home therapy activities. Our team also appreciates that you help us get to know your little ones better during each therapy session.
  1. Inspiring: Parents are genuinely so inspiring. You inspire your children every day, and they are always looking up to you. You also inspire our PTN team. Parents have to juggle so many things in life, and you all somehow make it look so easy.
  1. Patient: Parents are there to support their children during their learning and development journey, which can sometimes take patience. It’s important to remember that each child is going to learn and grow at their own pace, and that’s okay! With your patience and support, your little ones will do amazing things.
  1. Funny: Being able to show your goofy side around your little ones is something so special. There are so many awesome activities that allow you to be silly with one another and work on your child’s skills at the same time. So, never stop being funny and goofy with your children. These memories are something that your children will never forget.
  1. Thoughtful: Our PTN parents are so thoughtful and are always looking for ways to continue helping their little ones work on their skills. You are selfless and are always thinking of the needs and well-being of others. Your thoughtfulness is a trait that we really admire.
  1. The Best: PTN parents are the best. You help your little ones grow big and strong, fix their owies, wipe away their tears, make them laugh, and comfort them in times of need. You’re their biggest cheerleader no matter what and are always there for them. We genuinely thank you for always welcoming us into your homes and for being such a great support system. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Be sure to keep an eye on our social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest) all month long as we continue to show our appreciation for all of our incredible PTN parents. We’ll also be sharing helpful tips, resources, activities, and more! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss if your child would benefit from pediatric therapy. Our team is here to support you and your child in any way we can.

Small Ways to Sneak in Self-Care With Child Development Benefits
Small Ways to Sneak in Self-Care With Child Development Benefits 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Although we are so thankful for all of our PTN parents year-round, we get the chance to express even more gratitude each July in honor of Parent Appreciation Day! This year, Parent Appreciation Day falls on July 25, and to celebrate, we wanted to share some small ways that you can sneak in self-care throughout your day. Parents work so hard and truly are superheroes. This is why it’s crucial to take some time out to practice self-care so that you can keep your mind, body, and soul healthy. The list of activities we put together can fit into your daily routine, be done as a family, and have numerous child development benefits. Enjoy!

Exercise Together

Take some time out each day to get in some exercise as a family. There are so many health benefits that come from moving your body such as stress relief, improving your physical and mental health, and improving your mood. The best part of this activity is that it can be done in many different forms. You could try biking, hiking, swimming, dancing, or simply going on a walk around your neighborhood. You’ll notice that your whole family’s mood will improve after taking part in an exercise session together.

Write in a Journal

Take some time at the end of each day and reflect by writing in a journal. Sit with your little one and write down all of the activities you took part in, what emotions came about during those activities, and then, write down 2-3 things that you were grateful for that day. This gives your whole family time to reflect and the opportunity to talk about your day with one another. To add in some creativity during this activity, you could also have your child draw a picture next to their journal entry that relates to what they wrote down.

Practice Yoga

Practicing yoga is one of our favorite ways to relax and unwind, and it’s something that your whole family can enjoy. Life is so fast-paced and can feel like a whirlwind at times. Practicing yoga can help you be more mindful and help you work on being still. If you’re new to yoga and need some help getting started, you can find some great family-friendly moves here.

Unplug During Meals

It’s easy to get caught up in technology throughout the day. Phones, laptops, tablets, computers – you name it! We are constantly using some form of technology whether it be for our jobs, school, or leisure. It’s important to unplug every once in a while, which is why you should consider making mealtime a no-technology zone. This way, everyone can sit around the table and engage in conversation with one another, and have a much-needed break from technology.

Happy Parent Appreciation Day! Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) all month long for more activities, resources, and tips. If you find that your child is falling behind in their speech and language development, please don’t hesitate to contact our team to discuss if your little one could benefit from pediatric therapy. We are happy to help support your child and family in any way that we can.

An Attitude of Gratitude Amidst 2020’s Challenges
An Attitude of Gratitude Amidst 2020’s Challenges 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

2020 has been a year of extreme highs and lows for most of us. For the first time in our lives, we’ve had to navigate a global pandemic that, even now, remains unstable. We’ve seen uncertainty every which way we’ve looked. From dear friends and family members being hospitalized due to Covid, to the small businesses we frequent having to close their doors. Now, we’re struggling to figure out schooling and what the rest of the year will look like as flu season nears. What will 2021 look like?

Perhaps the hardest part is being steadfast for our children. Our kids count on us to have everything under control, to provide them with a deep sense of security, and to show them by example that “everything is OK.”  Even when it’s not.  We’ve seen so many of our families bravely take on this pandemic and make dramatic changes almost overnight.  As if being the parent of a special needs child isn’t challenging enough, we’ve had to throw into the mix virtual therapy, completely new routines, and an entirely new way of living life.

The PTN team deeply empathizes with the challenges our parents and families have had to navigate.  We know this time has not been easy.  We know that each of you are trying your very best when the world seems like it is at its very worst.  We know that you’re tired, losing sleep, emotionally exhausted, and looking for hope anywhere you can find it.  We know this because we are navigating challenges too… but our plan is to navigate every obstacle with you!  

One way in which we hope to overcome the struggles of 2020 is by cultivating an attitude of gratitude.  We want to find the light wherever we can and we want you to know that our team experiences so much joy and sees so much light every time we work with you and your children.  Thank you!

“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude, it’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” – Unknown

These words are powerful and they are true.  With this message in mind, and the hope of bringing those who mean the most to us a moment of joy, we want to take this time to express our deep gratitude:

Thank you PTN Kids!

First and foremost, we are grateful during this holiday season to be able to continue working with such incredible children. The positive outlook and hard work they bring each and every day is inspiring, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of their growth.  We are so proud of how they have overcome so much during this past year and believe they are the epitome of resilience.  

Thank You PTN Parents: We Could Not Do This Without You!

Not only are our PTN kids special to us, but our PTN families are equally as important. We couldn’t do our job without your support.  We truly value the relationships we have with you as we work toward shared goals.  We know these times have been difficult and we know you may feel like the world is on your shoulders.  We want you to know we recognize all the sacrifices you’ve made and think the world of you.  

Thank You to Our Incredible Staff!

Our PTN therapists are truly the best! Thank you for coming together as a team to support one another as you have had to learn how to navigate entirely new situations, like providing therapy virtually or in masks and face shields.  Your willingness to adapt and your desire to serve children is awe-inspiring.  Know that you’ve had such an impact on the lives of so many children and your dedication has not gone unnoticed!

Thank You to Family & Friends!

We want to say thank you to our own family members and friends for helping us get through 2020.  Your support and guidance have been invaluable (even if over FaceTime).  Thank you to our immediate family members for sharing your space with us as we have had to adjust to working and learning from home together.  We feel so lucky to have you in our lives!

As we move toward the end of the year, we want to assure you that we will continue to do our very best to provide not only exceptional care to every child and family we work with, but also emotional support.  We will get through this together!

5 Reasons Why Parents Deserve a Huge Pat On the Back (Including You!)
5 Reasons Why Parents Deserve a Huge Pat On the Back (Including You!) 1080 1080 PTN Chicago

Happy July, everyone! We can’t believe that 2020 is already halfway over – what a crazy ride it’s been so far! We hope you and your family have been staying safe, happy, and healthy throughout these uncertain times, and look forward to working with each and every one of you during the second half of the year and beyond. 

At PTN, we get extra excited when July rolls around because with this month comes one of our favorite holidays – Parent Appreciation Day.  This holiday is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July.  This month, it happens to land on the 26th.  

The truth of the matter is, being a parent is one of the toughest jobs out there and unfortunately, parents don’t always get enough credit for all that they do. That’s why we wanted to take this holiday to remind you that you deserve all the thanks, love, appreciation, and happiness in the world. We feel very fortunate to be able to work with all of you incredible parents each and every day and our team is thrilled to celebrate you even further this month.

And, just in case you need the reminder, here are 5 reasons why parents deserve a huge pat on the back today and every day:

Parents Provide Emotional Support

Life comes with many highs and many lows.  It’s important that we all have someone that we can look to when life gets tough, and for children, parents are a main source of emotional support from the time they are born, all the way into adulthood. Being a child comes with a lot of unknowns and children tend to look for support from their parents to help them learn, grow, and feel safe with. Children need someone that they can turn to when they want to ask questions about life, when they’re sad, or when they need help navigating a tough time in their life. Being able to talk to someone about uncomfortable things while also feeling safe is something that your child will appreciate and remember forever. 

Your constant emotional support is admired – give yourself another pat on the back!

Parents Are Hardworking

Parents are some of the most hardworking people in the entire world. Being a parent comes with many hats and responsibilities such as making sure there’s food on the table, a roof over your family’s head, and ensuring that your children are taken care of –  we’re exhausted just thinking about it!

It takes a lot of time and effort to make sure that everything is running smoothly within your home, especially when it comes to taking care of your family. That’s why it’s important to remember that you, as a parent, are basically a modern day superhero. 

Your hard work is appreciated – give yourself another pat on the back!

Parents Are Great Teachers

Believe it or not, as a parent, you’ll always be your child’s number one teacher in life. You help them learn to walk and talk, how to be polite and use their manners, how to share, how to ride a bike, and so much more. You’re basically always teaching your child something whether you know it or not, all of which will help them grow into a kind, smart, and self-sufficient adult. Children look up to their parents for advice and guidance throughout their whole lives, and more likely than not will continue to look to you to teach them things (big and small) for years to come.

You are your child’s number one teacher – give yourself a pat on the back for helping them grow!

Parents Are Understanding

Being a parent isn’t always the easiest job in the world, especially when your child makes decisions that you don’t agree with. There are going to be times throughout your child’s life when they may choose a path different from what you thought they’d choose such as joining the band when you thought they should play basketball.

The thing about being a parent is that you love your children unconditionally and want them to be happy. So even though you may not always agree with their decisions, your understanding and support go a long way!  

You’re understanding even when it’s hard to be – give yourself an extra pat on the back, for this one!

Parents Make It Look Easy (Even When It’s Not)

Maybe the biggest thing that you as a parent should give yourself a pat on the back for is making parenting duties look easy even though they’re not easy at all. There are a million and one things that parents have to take care of on top of raising children, and it can get overwhelming at times.

Parents can somehow manage to juggle staying on top of their work, keeping up with duties around the house, and spending time with/taking care of their family without a blink of an eye. As we said before, parents are superheroes!

Thank you for pushing through and making being a parent look easy – give yourself one final pat on the back!

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